비가 그치자 넓은 파초 잎 위로 두꺼비가 뺴꼼 올라옵니다. 버드나무 흔들리는 물가에 오리가 날개짓을 합니다. 매화와 대나무 가득한 뜰에서 우아한 학의 모습을 그리며 여유를 즐깁니다.
고려청자에 그려진 문양을 참고하여 고려인의 마음으로 본 풍경을 연출했습니다. 유천리 상감청자 조각에 담긴 자연의 무늬를 소재로 고려의 서정적인 자연 풍경을 그렸고, 오수 작가는 섬유 이끼로 고려의 자연을 연출했습니다. 다니엘 카펠리앙(Daniel Kapelian)은 고려청자의 아름다움을 블루 셀라돈(Blue Celadon)으로 작곡했습니다.
A toad peeps out once the rain stops and climbs over one of the wide plantain leaves. Ducks flaps their wings in a pond surrounded by willow trees swaying in the wind. People enjoy a leisurely moment while painting an elegant crane in a garden filled with plum trees and bamboo.
Media artist Youngjun Kim illustrated lyrical Goryeo-era natural landscapes based on designs from nature featured on inlaid celadon shards recovered in Yucheon-ri. Artist Sue Oh attempted to recreate the nature of Goryeo-era Korea through textile moss. Daniel Kapelian expresses the beauty of Goryeo celadon through a musical composition entitled “Blue Celadon.”
The Celadon Gallery is filled with images of the nature that the people of the Goryeo era enjoyed centuries ago. You are invited to experience the warmth of the people from the Goryeo era and their grand admiration for nature.
고려청자에 그려진 문양을 참고하여 고려인의 마음으로 본 풍경을 연출했습니다. 유천리 상감청자 조각에 담긴 자연의 무늬를 소재로 고려의 서정적인 자연 풍경을 그렸고, 오수 작가는 섬유 이끼로 고려의 자연을 연출했습니다. 다니엘 카펠리앙(Daniel Kapelian)은 고려청자의 아름다움을 블루 셀라돈(Blue Celadon)으로 작곡했습니다.
A toad peeps out once the rain stops and climbs over one of the wide plantain leaves. Ducks flaps their wings in a pond surrounded by willow trees swaying in the wind. People enjoy a leisurely moment while painting an elegant crane in a garden filled with plum trees and bamboo.
Media artist Youngjun Kim illustrated lyrical Goryeo-era natural landscapes based on designs from nature featured on inlaid celadon shards recovered in Yucheon-ri. Artist Sue Oh attempted to recreate the nature of Goryeo-era Korea through textile moss. Daniel Kapelian expresses the beauty of Goryeo celadon through a musical composition entitled “Blue Celadon.”
The Celadon Gallery is filled with images of the nature that the people of the Goryeo era enjoyed centuries ago. You are invited to experience the warmth of the people from the Goryeo era and their grand admiration for nature.
This moving image is a media art for National Museum of Korea celadon room reopening. Based on images that place on the surface of Goryeo celadon, this movie is showed with the pieces of brocken celadon in calm exhibition space.
title : 자연을 즐기다 Immersing in Nature
bgm : 'blue celadon' by Daniel Kapelian